Our online publishing system, Scripsi, allows you to create your book online vs. using our traditional paper kit. Both options result in a published book and smiling, proud authors in your classroom.
Scripsi is the only online publishing program created just for schools to help teachers guide their students through the writing process, and it offers the following unique benefits:
- Exclusive design allows teachers to create and send revision notes and messages with feedback on each student’s pages.
- Students create their book digitally and can access their work from school or at home using their own logins. Plus, each student can work simultaneously on their own page(s).
- Simple intuitive design.
- The only book-making program to allow complete flexibility in formatting your book. You and your students choose where images and text go and every page can be full-color.
- Safe and secure, log-in and password protected to preserve the work of each student.
- Many font options and Character level formatting so students can really get creative!
- Illustrate with ease by taking advantage of our library of clip art and enhanced drawing tools for doodles, or by uploading photos or scanning in artwork.
Publishing has never been easier!